Welcome to BidBud

BidBud does your bidding. It saves you time and money while using Trade Me, and it's free!

Trade Me BidBud
Free to bid
Automatic last minute bidding
Instantly snap up Buy nows as soon as they're posted
One click bid cancellation
Live update of bids without refreshing
Blacklisted sellers hidden from search results
Win only one auction from a list of similar auctions
Advanced search options
Easy to make bidding mistakes
Plus much more - for full details, see the about page.
BidBud has many useful features for sellers too.
Register instantly using your Trade Me account

BidBud has won 459,159 auctions for $51,860,974.13.
The total of the maximum bids was $64,296,797.57, therefore BidBud has helped people save a total of $12,435,823.44 from what they were prepared to spend -- an average of $27.08 per auction. The last auction was won 2 minutes ago for $300.00.

Not sure BidBud works? Read what people have to say about it. All names are Trade Me usernames.

I’m a big fan of bidbud. I have won 50 or so auctions now with your wonderful system. It has really changed my life. No longer do I have to sit and wait for auctions to close but can set it with what ever settings I want and forget about it and live my life.
- pickles111

"I was more than dubious at first as it does sound too good to be true. I won my first auction on BidBud and it was great. I've missed too many auctions by forgetting an auction was closing (always best to bid at the last moment) and secondly I don't have the risk of getting caught up in the moment and bidding to much. And BidBud are great if you have any questions or ideas."
- poison

"I love BidBud - I try to spead the word to all my friends who use TradeMe. It's great being able to put in a bid and just walk away - never again will I miss out because I forgot to come back and bid. And I love the clean, uncluttered look of the site. Thank you so much."
- torsionfield

"Absolutely love this site! I was actually concerned about giving trademe details to start with but it is worth it. I have now never missed an auction and use the group bidding feature often. Thanks BidBud!"
- booklover1

"I just love my BidBud. Great to know that there is someone out there looking after me. Will continue to use as and when needed. Many Thanks Bud"
- ova50

"BidBud is AMAZING! It is also fantastic, awesome, excellent, amazing, useful, indispensable etc etc. Just won a $14.00 item for $2.00 with a slow bid. Thank you so much."
- arthurdent

"What a great programme. first time ever have been able to leave computer during an auction, haven't had the 'just a dollar more' urge and overbid, won the auction on my first outing with BidBud. Please, please never leave us!!!"
- gordondavis

"I won my first auction last night using BidBud. It was a bit of a test run - I just wanted to make sure that BidBud would actually place the bid 2 mins before closing. It did, and I am stoked. No more waiting around for auctions to close, or even worse, missing out on auctions because you forget/can't be online for closing.
I am not going to bother manually bidding on auctions any more - I am going to use BidBud every time from now on. I can choose the price I am prepared to pay, set and forget. I can't believe someone hasn't thought of this sooner."

- paul109

"Further to my recent email congratulating you on a job well done - now that I have used BidBud a couple of times on buying things I would just like to further record my complete satisfaction with your most excellent program! Excellent work - I'm so pleased I stumbled upon your site!"
- michael200

At first I thought it was a hoax and wouldn't work, so I kept an eye out on the auction just to make sure and oh my.. it worked! I love it! Thank you for this amazing website!
- aouk